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Bubblegum Floss Clipart

Digital Clipart for you to add to your digital planner or sell separately. These are great add in’s for your planner.

You can do the following:

  • Add them to planners and journals
  • Embellish journals and planners
  • Sell as packs with matching paper packs
  • Create fun Thank you cards
  • Create Invitations 
  • Use them as Scrapbooking Material
  • Use them for Web Icons

Whats inside:

  • 20 clipart in PNG format @ 300 DPI 

Check out a few samples below:

You can also create fun mugs, bottles, tshirts and even towels with these clipart!

Please note there are NO refunds as this is a PLR product.

You may use this product for commercial use i.e. to create journals and planners to sell on e-commerce platforms or for clients.

You MAY NOT sell this to other authors with  PLR or MLR rights.

Once you purchase, you will receive a link to download your files. 

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me. I normally respond within 24 hours with the possible exception of weekends.

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