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Christian Templates

Over 100 PowerPoint Templates

With over 37% of the American people either attending church each week or being active Christians, they are all always looking for tools and planners to track sermons, scripture readings, church events and more.

We have compiled a bundle of different types of templates that you can use to create multiple different types of journals, trackers and planners for this passionate and devoted market.

Using our unique indexed document,  you can find any type of template you are looking for in seconds. This bundle contains multiple different layout types that you can mix and match for the various niches.

They have been designed with minimum graphics for a sleek look.

Each pack contains the templates for the three different standard book sizes:

  • 6 x 9
  • 8 x 10
  • 8.5 x 11

    You can do the following:

    • Copy and paste the templates into a new document
    • Mix and match according to your niche design
    • Add graphics
    • Add dated calendars
    • Create printable pages for selling on POD platforms
    • And so much more ….


    You can view the entire bundle in the preview below (Templates are hyper-linked in the document):

    Please note there are NO refunds as this is a PLR product.

    You may use this product for commercial use i.e. to create journals and planners to sell on e-commerce platforms or for clients.

    You MAY NOT sell this to other authors with  PLR or MLR rights.

    Once you purchase, you will receive a link to download your files. 

    If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me. I normally respond within 24 hours with the possible exception of weekends.

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