Garden Fresh Valentine
Valentine is a day of love and magic. With these beatifully designed templates you can create multiple types of products for your customers:
- Print journals
- PDF Printables
- Digital planners or journal
- Templates
- Extension packs for existing planners
- Stickers
- Book covers
- Valentines Cards
- Invites for weddings
- T-Shirts for Valentine
- Coffee mug gifts
- Kid’s Activity Books
- Etc.
Here is what is included in the package:
- 6 PowerPoint editable documents
- 6×9, 8×5 and 8.6 x 11
- Color and Black and White
- 47 Digital Papers
- 96 Valentines Clipart in matching swatch
- 8 Print book covers
- 3 Digital book covers
Take a look at what’s inside the journal