Wedding Planner for Event Planners
Number of weddings in the world is estimated at 115,000 per day!
With so many weddings this Planner is perfect for the Event Planner Business! Everything you could need and more!
You have full PLR and Commercial Use rights on the product, so you can claim it as your own.
This PowerPoint Source file comes in 3 sizes(6×9, 8×10 and 8,5×11) contains the following pages:
- My Brand
- Preferred Suppliers
- Bookings Enquiries
- Income Tracker
- Calendar
- Week at a Glance
- Notes
- Wedding Information Sheet
- Theme & Decor
- Supplier Information
- Planning Checklist
- Wedding day programme
- Wedding Prep Notes
- Wedding expense Tracker
- Notes
Take a peek at what’s inside.
Please note there are NO refunds as this is a PLR product.
You may use this product for commercial use i.e. to create journals and planners to sell on e-commerce platforms or for clients.
You MAY NOT sell this to other authors with PLR or MLR rights.
Once you purchase, you will receive a link to download your files.
If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me. I normally respond within 24 hours with the possible exception of weekends.