Homeschool Planner
2 Planners
For Parents and Kids
(Digital and/or Print)
As of 2012 an estimated 1.8 million children were homeschooled, or 3.4 percent of the total student population, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
Take our full commercial use PowerPoint Homeschool planners and target this huge market of Home educators.
This Homeschool Planner contains 204 pages for the parents to monitor and track their children’s progress and the children’s homeschool planner contains 246 pages to ensure the follow the guidelines and track their progress.
You have full commercial use on the planner i.e. you can re-brand it as your own and publish with your author name.
If you are planning on publishing on Amazon, remember to change the covers so that you do not get duplicate books on Amazon.
Created with Stunning blue graphics, the document includes the following pages:
- You get 3 sizes (6×9, 8×10 and 8,5×11) as well as in color and black and white!
- 5 covers for the parents (front, back and spine)
- 5 covers for the children (front, back and spine)
For the Parents (Digital &/or Print)
- Title Page
- Home-school Requirements
- Results Tracker
- Contacts
- Events and Outings
- My Resource List
- Master Book List
- Read aloud books
- Supplies Checklist
- Curriculum and Resources
- Morning Schedule
- Afternoon Schedule
- Evening Schedule
- Home Tasks and Enrichment Schedule
- Monthly Calendar
- My Goals
- Habit Tracker
- Children’s Goals
- Attendance Register
- Progress Notes
- Notes
- Weekly Schedule
For the Kids (Print Only)
- My Resource List
- Master Book List
- Progress Notes
- Notes
- Weekly Schedule
The planners have been prepopulated with Christian verses. However these are easily modified if your target audience is more secular.
Within 10 minutes you can have a brand new planner ready for publication on KDP, a spiral-bound POD printer of your choice or convert it into a pdf and sell it on your website or a site like Etsy.
The bulk of the work is done for you. Now all you do is make it original with your creative flair.
You can see the full planners in the previews below.


Please note there are NO refunds as this is a PLR product.
You may use this product for commercial use i.e. to create journals and planners to sell on e-commerce platforms or for clients.
You MAY NOT sell this to other authors with PLR or MLR rights.
Once you purchase, you will receive a link to download your files.
If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me. I normally respond within 24 hours with the possible exception of weekends.